Our Services
XN provides a turnkey service to plan, form, and manage your Captive.
Our Process
Ten professional services coordinated into 5 easy steps that simplify the captive formation process.
Take the Quiz to break down your current insurance circumstances and identify your captive potential.
Connect with the XN team to review your Quiz results and discuss your captive options.
Submit detailed insurance information to our actuaries to initiate the feasibility study and captive business plan.
Discuss the results of the feasibility study with the XN team to finalize the details and prepare for filing
Approve the submission of your captive business plan and wait for state regulator approval!
How We're Different
A single place to plan, form, and manage everything. 
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Cover unique and specific risks, even those not covered by commercial insurance.
Our platform is built to keep things simple by integrating every professional service witha single, digital platform.
Cover unique and specific risks, even those not covered by commercial insurance.
Identify risks, needs, options, costs, and potential return on investment for your captive before you get started.
Applied Technology
Cover unique and specific risks, even those not covered by commercial insurance.
Automation streamlines the process to reduce admin hassle, while A.I. optimizes strategy and performance.
Full Integration
Cover unique and specific risks, even those not covered by commercial insurance.
Experts across multiple disciplines work with your team and any third-parties to keep things running smoothly.
Why Choose XN?
XN makes it faster, easier, and less expensive to launch your captive.
On Your Own
300-400 hour time commitment
Unpredictable costs with endless fees
10 pro services to manage alone
9-12 months from start to finish
With XN Capital
25 hour time commitment
One clear, flat rate fee
All 10 services managed for you
3 months from start to finish
Take The Quiz
The XN Platform
Data, AI, and deep expertise combine into one powerful platform that modernizes the captive insurance experience with:
Interactive simulations to explore new captive possibilities
Real-time captive balance, income, and expenses
Data visualizations of captive performance
Advanced reporting for financial and regulatory compliance
Easy, automated information sharing and document processing
24/7 support for all captive needs
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How it works
XN is air traffic control for your captive. We manage everything, so that you can go about your business.
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Already have a Captive?
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How we can help
Analyze existing ecosystem and make
Compliance with IRS and regulatory authorities
Status and compliance assessment
Federal, state, and excise tax and regulatory requirement review.
Review existing contract and make recommendations